Tuesday 17 September 2013

Tuesday - Prinsjesdag

Prinsjesdag is the Dutch equivalent of the British Queen's Christmas speech or the US President's State of the Union address, only instead of happening in December or January, it takes place on the 3rd Tuesday of September.

And let's face it, most of the people feel that the new year actually starts in September, when schools reopen, people are back from holidays and you sign up again for the gym, the Spanish class or the Italian cooking workshop. All of which you will anyway seldom attend because with the weather and the darkness, who wouldn't rather be on the couch with a comforting cup of hot chocolate and "How I met your mother" on TV?

But I digress...

This is year's Prinsjesdag is particularly relevant as it's Willem Alexander's first time and people are eager to know what he will say, what Maxima will wear and if Geert Wilders's hair will glow in the dark as usual.

The reigning monarch makes her/his way to the Ridderzaal on a golden carriage, as you do.

Go early to find a spot among the loyal monarchists well equipped with fridges, Thermos flasks and fishermen's umbrellas: you may be lucky and score a discarded boterhammetje.


Most likely, it will unfortunately rain on their parade...

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